With me, it always hurts a little when everyday life hits after a long and wonderful summer holiday with the family. The last day of the holiday is always a bit sad to get through, but year after year I am surprised by how wonderful it is when everyday life starts.
But there is pressure in everyday life with full-time jobs and leisure interests for both children and adults - so that everything goes as smoothly as possible, and that I also get to prioritize myself in everyday life, I often spend some time on Sundays cleaning, cutting and roasting meat , fruit and vegetables – pack it in buckets so they can stay in the fridge and are easily available for the week ahead. It is a way in which we have just as easy and quick access to the healthy and good fuel as to the not so good.
Like most other parents, I'm also not a fan of the hamster wheel with the obligatory packed lunches, but on the contrary I really often sit at work and look forward to my good and well-prepared packed lunch - it always turns out to be a good investment for me that spent some time on it. If I eat in the canteen at work, I often choose a lukewarm dish and eat too much, so I get way too tired after lunch.
It works well for me to have a packed lunch like the one below with:
Salad but quinoa, peas, tomatoes and feta - plus eggs. The fruit is often eaten in the morning when hunger strikes. I eat the cloud with blueberries, walnuts and a little dark chocolate in the afternoon when (delicious) hunger strikes.
Another lunch could be salad with scallions, carrots, peppers, blueberries and salmon. Later rice crackers as a snack.
When I went to school I often threw out my warm rye bread snacks and didn't get much food during a school day - my son is an active boy and has a big appetite, so I often have him for advice on what he would like us to include in the packed lunch. A couple of times a week we make his packed lunch together so I know what he prefers - the buckets from Yummii Yummii are great because the material keeps the cold food colder for longer - perfect if the kids are going on trips or don't have access to the packed lunch refrigerator.
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